Iron man 1
Iron man 1

iron man 1

It is important to note that we as the viewer have been placed in the position of a potential attacker. Compounding this quality is the camera’s slow pan to the left as it follows the convoy-the movement is voyeuristic, almost as if someone is watching from afar, a tracking shot that is perhaps also a point-of-view shot. The vehicles are barely noticeable in the shot, and their lack of size within the frame implies vulnerability. The mountains in the background provide scope: these vehicles are driving along the bottom of a wide valley, the open area leaving them exposed, with high ground on both sides from which an attack could come. The rocks in the lower right corner of the frame allow us to orient ourselves in the position of the camera within the landscape, on a slope above the approaching vehicles. The angle of the shot enhances this implication. The War on Terror was deep in the American public consciousness in 2008-a landscape like this is banking on audience familiarity with news or documentary footage of Iraqi/Afghani areas and immediately puts us in a Middle Eastern mindset along with everything that implies, primarily danger.

iron man 1 iron man 1

Iron Man begins with a wide shot of the Afghan desert, and this image conveys a great deal of information: 1.

Iron man 1